Pulmonary Hypertension Life Study
Researchers at The Rhode Island Pulmonary Hypertension Center and The Miriam Hospital Centers for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine in Providence, Rhode Island conducted a study to learn more about pulmonary hypertension and its impact on sexual health and health-related quality of life.
You can contact the study team directly at phlife@lifespan.org
Developing and testing a cognitive behavioural therapy self-help intervention for depression and anxiety in adults with pulmonary hypertension This project explored the use of a self-help tool designed specifically for people with pulmonary hypertension to help manage depression. A similar study has shown that a similar tool focusing on anxiety in people with pulmonary hypertension was found to be helpful. An update on that research has been published here.
The study on depression has been completed but not yet published.
In October 2024 the Pulmonary Hypertension Knowledge Sharing Platform hosted a webinar that talked about these studies. Watch the webinar below. You can download the presenters' slides from the Pulmonary Hypertension Knowledge Sharing Platform website: https://ph-ksp.com/mental-health-in-pulmonary-arterial-hypertension/
Researchers involved: Abbie Stark, Dr Gregg Rawlings, Dr James Gregory, Dr Iain Armstrong and Professor Andrew Thompson