We have now returned from our trip west, unloaded the truck and now trying to relax. That isn’t about to happen with my aging parents and medical appointments, but that's life. After reading part one of my blogs, I will add the conclusions.
We added up the final total of gas receipts and hotel receipts. My answer is a definite yes this was the way to go. Car rentals have more than doubled, so even if we had only had to pay for one air flight and add in the vehicle rental, we believe we saved. With our daughter living near Delburne, Alberta, it was beneficial to have our own truck. My husband got the flu and was bedridden for the better part of the week, which as an unforeseen event, would have been an issue for flying home as he was very weak. We stayed an extra 2-3 days for him to recuperate fully. It's the unforeseen events that one must consider.
I will be honest. This was my stress area, as one week before leaving, the company had difficulty obtaining the extra battery I needed. The secondary machine we were to get back from the other family who borrowed it came back broken. It wasn’t until the Tuesday before leaving that everything arrived. They managed to get an extra double and single battery for the oxy go! Our rep brought a Phillips - Simply go, which was usable while plugged into the truck; awesome. This machine was my in-truck oxygen and the oxy-go for when I got out of the truck.We had more than enough oxygen supplies and were very secure with these. (Thanks to Medpro).
I had one little glitch with my Uptravi, which would have been fine if we hadn't had to delay our departure home. The company was great and sent them to me to our daughter’s home as an urgent delivery. All worked out! The trip was a great success, and we are both so glad we went. We love our daughter's new home, although it was too big for me to walk around with where we put my concentrator. Lol —beautiful property, very private and quiet.
One highlight of this trip was the day Gord and I drove to Olds Alberta and met with Kathy and Don Downey. Kathy and I have spoken at the monthly meet-up many times and messaged one another. What a joy to meet in person. That two-hour meetup went by very quickly, and you would never have known it was our first time meeting. Thank you, PHA Canada, for organizing the monthly meet-ups.
What a Beautiful country we live in!