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I was a healthy and fit 59-year-old woman living in Winnipeg, MB, at the start of 2020. Then I started feeling like something was wrong. I had trouble breathing, and by the time I was allowed to see my doctor and get it looked at, I couldn't catch my breath no matter what I did. On top of the difficulty breathing, I was exhausted all of the time. Covid hit the world hard, and a doctor's appointment wasn't an option.  

The wheels were set in motion when I finally saw my MD. I had so many procedures in such a short time. For me, in this instance, COVID-19 was a blessing because there were no waiting lists for all the diagnostics and scopes, etc, that I had to have for my diagnosis. In less than two months, I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. It was a shock, but I was happy to find out what was wrong and treat it finally. 

Dr David Christianson was amazing. He prescribed the appropriate medications, and I feel like a million dollars. That is not to say there hasn't been an impact on my life. I plan my days around my medications, but I have it better than some. The side effects of my medications have had a significant impact on my life. I plan my days around my medications, for example, but they have also given me my life back. I'm now 62 years old and go to the gym 4-5 days a week; I help with grandchildren, run my household and travel with my husband. I don't know where I would be without my doctors. My one piece of advice for anyone with PH is always to take your medications; don't skip them. The side effects are better than the alternative.  
Contributed by Mary Senkiw, living with PAH since September of 2020. Winnipeg MB
How Timely Diagnosis Changed My Life

Mary Senkiw, Patient, Winnipeg, MB

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