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Seeking participants for a research study looking atbereavement experiences in British Columbia 

Study Title: A provincial evidence-informed approach to supporting people experiencing bereavement in British Columbia.

We are conducting a study looking at bereavement experiences and supports in British Columbia. The findings of the study will inform the development of priority actions and strategies to make effective supports accessible to more British Columbians with bereavement experiences. 

We are looking to interview British Columbians who have had a family member or close friend die since March 1, 2020. 

In the 30-60 minute interview, conducted over phone or tele/videoconference, we will ask participants about their bereavement experiences, any impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the resources they used, and any changes/improvements they would like to see. 

If you know anybody who might be interested in participating in an interview, please send them the attached poster. The deadline to participate is December 15, 2021. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at or 604-553-4866 ext. 230 should you have any questions or concerns.  

Principal Investigator: Dr. Eman Hassan (, 604-553-4866).